Saturday, March 29, 2014

Farrah Abraham Plastic Surgery Before and After Nose Job, Chin Implants Pictures

Farrah Abraham — If Sophia Wants Plastic Surgery She Can ‘Go For It’
‘Couples Therapy’ star Farrah Abraham revealed in a new interview that if her 5-year-old daughter Sophia grows up and wants to get plastic surgery, she will allow it. Do you think Farrah is making the right call?
Despite claiming that they both know how pretty they are, Farrah Abraham, 22, is more than okay with her daughter Sophia growing up and changing the way she looks. The mom of one also says she is done with plastic surgery herself — for now.

Farrah Abraham — Sophia Can Get Plastic Surgery
Farrah Abraham has had at least 4 different procedures to change her looks. From lip injections to boob augmentations, she definitely knows what plastic surgery entails for a young female. While most moms aren’t preparing for their 5-year-old to decide whether or not they want plastic surgery, Farrah has already decided that Sophia can do whatever she wants when she grows up.

Farrah Abraham Wants Virginity Back

“I have to say, we very much believe that we are pretty,” Farrah explained to Radar Online. “We are secure people. But if there’s something that [Sophia] can’t live with, then yes go for it!”

Would you let your kids get plastic surgery?
Although Sophia is free to get plastic surgery once “she’s her own adult,” Farrah admits that for now she is done with her own alterations.

“I envisioned myself looking one way and I changed it. And I’m still happy and I don’t b***h about my looks anymore.,” the Couples Therapy star shared with Radar. “I feel like if I am preventing aging, yes, and there’s always little things that I can do. But at this time right now, my esthetician and my doctors don’t recommend that, so I’m not going to.”

Farrah Abraham looks a lot different after plastic surgery. To say the least. Her nose, chin, forehead ... you name it. This is not the Farrah of Teen Mom fame.

The Farrah of Backdoor Teen Mom fame is gradually but noticeably turning into Kim Kardashian (or Heidi Montag) before our eyes, and it's a little scary.

We're not just talking about the similarities between the Kim Kardashian sex tape and Farrah Abraham sex tape/porno. She's starting to look like Kimberly:

Her hilariously fake boobs have obviously been reshaped ... but her face!?

The picture on the left, as noted by Fishwrapper, was taken by photographer J. Anthony, who had her model for a motorcycle-themed shoot back in 2011.

Three years later, on the right ... comment rendered unnecessary.

We realize she was 19 then and is 22 now, and that's a significant portion of her still-young life ... no one's face changes that quickly from age alone.

This is what identity-altering plastic surgery does to you, people.

Seriously. If it weren't for these awesome photos of Farrah Abraham crying through the years, we'd swear this was actually a different human / blow-up doll: